How far will your burger fly?

During one of my trainings with Richard Bandler, the co-creator of NLP, Richard told us the following story.

“A man in New York bought a burger from a street seller and was crossing the road eating it when a car knocked him down and killed him. His burger flew out of his hand at the moment of impact and landed 30 yards further down the sidewalk. The next day, the newspaper article was all about how far his burger flew.”

Not about his life, his achievements, his contribution to society. About how his burger flew 30 yards!

Now, I don’t know about you, but I would hope that people would have something a bit more interesting to say about me when I’m gone.

So, how would you like to be remembered? Does your life to date tell the true story of you and who you really are? Do you have unfulfilled wishes or dreams of a different life? Perhaps one that expresses the real you, with no filters, no compromises?

If so, what’s stopping you? Would you like to find out?


Lives of quiet desperation

