Professionally …

I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming. I spent many years working in the high octane, ever-changing field of tourism and events, so when I first qualified as a Master Practitioner of NLP and Hypnotherapy in 2008 and set up my Brighter Mind clinic in Edinburgh, Scotland, I particularly enjoyed being able to help others manage stress and build confidence. Now as a Clinical Hypnotherapist certified by the ICCH, I help people with a wide range of issues. It all comes down to where you are, where you want to be, and what’s in the gap in the middle.

A keen golfer, I am certified as a Master Mind Factor Golf Performance Coach, helping golfers and other sportspeople of all levels develop their mental game and a winning mindset.

I’m also a Qualified Supervisor for the IAPCP (International Alliance of Professional Complementary Practitioners) and love to share my many learnings and life experiences with likeminded people to help them put their valuable skills to use and build their own practice for a Brighter Mind Brighter Life.

I am an NLP MasterClass assistant to Paul McKenna on his online and live events which are always great fun, and am delighted to assist on his MindValley Certified Hypnotherapist course which is changing the lives of thousands of people.

Personally …

I am a mother, a singer, a linguist. I love music and you will soon get used to me blurting out song lyrics when we work together.

I have a thirst for keeping up with the latest research on the mind body connection, and each new training and technique brings a further understanding of the biggest supercomputer ever built - the human brain.

The Logo

My Brighter Mind logo represents the infinity sign. It represents the mass of neural pathways in the brain that get switched on by our thoughts and actions, it suggests the confusion and the winding path we follow in everyday life, the ups and the downs and the pull between the positive and negative. It also says that, though the path may be winding with many twists and turns, we will always find our way back.

“You don't get to discover the depth of the ocean until you jump in. You can sit on the wall and talk about the water, the fish and everything that might be down there, but you've got to jump.”

- Dean Graziosi