You have the power

Let me tell you about a superpower we all have.

I took my 88 year old mother for her anti-Covid vaccine this morning. But before I tell you about it, let me set the scene. For the last couple of years before Covid, my mum had been going out less and less, no longer wanting to socialise, always feeling ill on the day the family had anything planned, even though she was perfectly healthy on any other day. Not only did she say she 'felt' ill, she would produce the symptoms. Sometimes fever, sometimes aches and pains, sometimes a urinary infection.

This is my mum's superpower! Her thoughts can produce a physical reaction in her body.

So, when she got the call on Friday to book her vaccine appointment, within two hours of the call she told me she didn't think she'd be well enough to go. I said nothing and I didn't mention it all weekend. Lo and behold, this morning she gave herself a temporary urinary infection. However, the government information booklet says you should go for your vaccine even if you are unwell - the only exception is a fever - and as she avidly follows written instructions, I was able to bundle her into the car (under great protest I might add), and she had her vaccine.

And, of course, her 'urinary infection' disappeared completely.

When she had the vaccine, the nurse told her a long list of possible side affects and gave me a leaflet. The leaflet is safely stored away, otherwise my mum will read it and manifest all the symptoms on the list, one by one.

The reason behind this story? We all use this superpower every day. For good and bad. Have you heard about someone who's convinced they will get a parking space in a busy street, and they always do? Or, when something goes wrong, do you find yourself saying, "I knew that was going to happen?"

Can you imagine how much better life would be for my mum if she concentrated on the good things rather than on what could go wrong?

The mind and body are connected so use your power wisely. You are in control. It's your choice.

#mindbodyconnection #thinkpositive #youhavethepower


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